Nokia ‘Comes With Music’ no more

  Nokia will no longer offer their music flatrate, the company confirmed on Monday. Comes with music will be discontinued in 27 of 33 countries. Since 2008 Nokia included a subscription to Ovi Music Unlimited to purchases of some of their phones, including a feature called ‘Comes With Music’, which allowed users to download an unlimited number…

mobile music? anyone?

talking about the big coming revenue rise in selling music. As a matter of fact, mobile is the paradigm of today and tomorrow. As an increasing amount of data is communicated via mobile devices, more people using mobile computers, smartphones (are there any dumbphones around anyway?), more money than ever is spent on mobile infrastructure…

is the iPad a mobile device?

Question: Is the iPad a mobile device? Erm, ermmmm, e.. maybe? What actually makes a device mobile? Screen size, ability of making phone calls, 3G? caught up with CNN’s VP of Mobile Louis Gump, who offered a whole different perspective: This fall a mass of tabloids will be launched, prompting content owners to address…

send me to Austin, SXSW Panel picker

vote for my panel idea on the SxSw Panel Picker: It’s a rather basic idea on how interfaces will alter music consumption Interfaces are our first points of contact when it comes to choose or buy content. Count the questions asked before being served a Cappuccino at Starbucks – poorly designed interface. The iPods interface…